Ranjith Bangalore, January 01 (ANI): Tamil actress Ranjith, "the woman said the dispute Swami Nithyananda CD was not her. The actress, who held a press conference in Bangalore on Friday, a day after filing a private complaint against Lenin and two in the Ramanagaram District Court said the CD had been transformed. RanjithaActress, who has worked in over 100 languages of southern India movies, also denied having gone underground after being released video footage, and added that he was away between March 3 and June 14 to attend a family wedding and also for fear of their own television channel aired video clips safety.Accused without any problem verifying the facts with himself them.Calling "love" of Nityananda, and said: "I devotee.I still do not know whether to put things in perspective.
Ranjith December 31 has registered a complaint against Lenin and also said that February 13, 2010, Lenin showed him some videos of evil have assaulted two Brahmacharins in the ashram. Lenin had also shown pictures of a woman like herself intimate with someone like Swami Nithyananda.The Actress South India also accused Lenin attempted rape, but not like someone came hearing her screams. Lenin had threatened to kill her and the release of photos to the media.
Ranjith said he was threatened and harassed by "some powerful and missionaries" not to tell the police. Asked about his long silence on the scandal, Ranjita said, "When I am threatened and harassed and more powerful group poeople, powerful politician, the missionaries who do, I can not play Galileo.