Google celebrates Roman numerals with the millions of people around the world to welcome the new year 2011 with the design of their own as shown below. Doodle features and Romanian figures "MMLXI"equal to "2011" and the number of fireworks in the vicinity, as shown in Figures below.Romanian numbering system in ancient Rome. They are based on certain letters of the alphabet combine to indicate the amount (or, in some cases the difference) values. The first ten Roman numerals.
On New Year's Eve 2011, Google launched a new drawing showing MMXI between? G? and? E? logo on the search engine Google homepage. To celebrate the new year has started throughout the world, the Google team celebrated with a new colorful doodle.Related Posts: 2010 Holiday Doodle from Google, is a collection of cardsCelebrate thank you very much for my friend spent many days (as well educated as I am) feeling of impotence due to the fact that Roman numerals seem gibberish! I blame all my teachers, but again I thank you because I now understand and should go ahead and make the world crazy with my knowledge.
2011 in Roman numerals represent | Latest Google Doodle GMMXLE | New Greeting Eva MMXI: The Roman numeral represents MMXI 2011 and number of people around the world search for 2011 in Roman numerals to send their wishes for the coming New Year of 2011 . GMMXLE Google Doodle for New Year's Eve.