Happy new year sms Although January 1 marks the beginning of the year, but the celebration begins the day before (December 31) when the clock strikes midnight clock o '. It was always a moment to look into the past, and especially, the prospect of next year.It s a good time to mimic the changes you want to do and your determination to carry out these alterations. It is a time for resolutions, achievements, and a year.The brand new year in the Gregorian calendar currently in use around the world, falls on January 1, continues the practice of the Roman calendar. There are many programs that are used to calculate the new year regional individually. From then on January 1 was the first day of the year, except during the Middle Ages, when several other days first.Every man must be born again on the first day of January. Start a new page. Take a hole in the circuit, if necessary, or drop, depending on the circumstances, but the first of January that every man is tightened again, with his face on the front, and not interested in things were and are past.
Sabse ho raha hai 2010 hard
Kudrat ka hai Kya Kare Yahe dastor,
Yaadein Purana sochkar UDA tum na ho,
Chalo Naye Saal Aaya ...
Dhoom Machale, Dhoom Dhoom MacHale
. Oh my dear, forget ur fear, that all ur dreams be clear,
Never put Tear, Please listen, I mean something in the ear of the heart,
that is long overdue, and that they wish to ua
very rich and prosperous New Year which is very close.
Din naya hai, hai naya Saal
Badler khayal hai naya Badler
Kalm Nayi hai, hai naya Alfaz
Likhne ka naya hai Andaaz
Nayi manzil hai, hai naya Aghaz
You Chalna ko naya hai Parvaz
Kashta Nayi hai naya hai Samandar
Age Ring in the new cycle
Ring, happy bells in the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Remains of the false ring in the true
Happy New Year 2011.