Aieee The United AIEEE / Institutes listed below used AIEEE-2010 ranks to fill seats through their own advice: - West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttaranchal, Punjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh , Delhi, University of Technology, New Delhi and NCTS, Delhi in New Delhi University.Programme Action (PA), 1992, under the National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986 is planned to take an entrance examination common to all bases India for admission to programs of vocational and technical education in the country. For admission to engineering programs, architecture and planning, the Government of India Resolution Vacuum October 18, 2001 establishing a system of three exams (JEE and AIEEE at the national and state level engineering entrance examinations (SLEE) for Institutions State with a choice of a level to join AIEEE.
Without losing sight of a wider range of subjects offered by different school boards in 10 2 (Class XII), more combinations examined qualification (10 +2) would now be possible. For the convenience of candidates, provision for online submission of the application form was also effectués.Un ninth All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE) was held April 25, 2010. 1065100 1118148 candidates appeared on the candidates for consideration of 1,623 centers in 86 cities. About 26.816 seats for B. Technology seats and 936 / B. Arch Planning / B. in various institutions, the National Institutes of Technology, IIIT, major universities, technical institutions, the University of Technology, Delhi, New Delhi and other Govt. funded institution.
Applicants must provide all details necessary to complete the online form. During the presentation of data, a confirmation page with the registration number should be generated. Candidates are required to print the confirmation page and paste in photos, to the impression left thumb, a sign in the space provided for that purpose and Address.Technical rate residential institutions of the University of Technology, Delhi and other Delhi Government . Funded schools have been offered by this review, a centralized online council took place to provide the charges for the Council of All India's central counseling. State Institutes listed below used AIEEE-2010 ranks to fill seats through their own boards of West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Uttaranchal, Punjab University.