Texas chainsaw massacre true story The original film was an independent movie that was release in 1974 by horror film directed by Tobe Hooper and written jointly by Hooper and Kim Henkel. The film starred Marilyn Burns, Gunnar Hansen, Teri McMinn, William Vail, Edwin Neal, and Paul A. Partain.Although represented as a true story involving the ambush and killing of a group of pals on a cascade through rural while encountering a family of cannibals in Texas, the film is actually a work of fiction. “Texas Chain Saw Massacre” features the main character ‘Leatherface’ who is loosely based on the Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein.
Chainsaw Massacre’ freaked theater goers out and became a cult phenomenon. A recent remake also kept the story of ‘Leatherface’ on the map and to this day the storyline is one of the most popular horror films of all time.The original film was an independent movie that was release in 1974 by horror film directed by Tobe Hooper and written jointly by Mr. Tobe Hooper and Mr. Kim Henkel. The film starred Mrs. Marilyn Burns, MR. Gunnar Hansen,Mrs. Teri McMinn, Mr.William Vail, Mr. Edwin Neal, and Paul A. Partain.
Although represented as a true story involving the ambush and killing of a group of pals on a cascade through rural while encountering a family of cannibals in Texas, the film is actually a work of fiction. “Texas Chain Saw Massacre” features the main character ‘Leatherface’ who is loosely based on the Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein.
aw Massacre is an independent 1974 American horror film directed by Tobe Hooper and written jointly by Hooper and Kim Henkel. Cast: Marilyn Burns, Gunnar Hansen, Teri McMinn, William Vail, Edwin Neal, and Paul A. Partain. Although presented as a true story involving the ambush and killing of a group of friends on a trip to rural Texas family of cannibals, the film is entirely fictional. Texas Chain Saw Massacre is the first of six films in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre film franchise, both are good and goes on almost exactly the same story, the storyline goes by being a group of young adult travelers in texas incurs a hitchhiker and let her ride on, by then the hitchhiker took a .357 Magnum and kill herself. They decided to go towards the direction where the women said hello being the sheriff’s office, but they aren’t able to find him rather they found a little boy praoclaiming that the sheriff is drinking in the home.