Navy video Since news of the shipboard softcore porn-and-harassment operation broke, self-styled patriots have leapt to Honors’ defense in comments on the web sites of the Virginian-Pilot, CNN, and MSNBC. They contend that Honors is a hero upholding free speech and male troop morale in an era of political correctness.In the view of these chicken-hawks, sexual harassment in the armed services is virtuous, and smut produced at some cost to taxpayers in wartime qualifies as wholesome family entertainment. It would seem that some of America’s military leaders and patriots have allowed their own lusts and political vanities to distract them from the basics of human decency, human rights, military law, discipline, honor, focus upon wartime objectives, and responsibility to taxpayers.
Captain Owen Honors, the ships second ranking officer, is the man who allegedly put this video together and he appeared in the videos in 2006 and 2007, according to Yahoo News. The videos were shown throughout the ship on closed circuit Tvs. Captain Owen Honors was made the ships commander in May, according to the article on Yahoo News.Aboard the USS Enterprise, it is the job of the aircraft carrier's public affairs department "to document the good things the crew is doing and spread the news to the folks back home," explains Meredith Kruse, the military editor at the Virginia-Pilot.
The videos were an attempt by Honors at getting the crews attention as it instructed them on ship board safety and rules, which that it did. The Navy does not like its depictions of what is thought to be humorous by the officer who made the video. Navy Commander Chris Sims gave a statement to the media saying “this was not acceptable then (when the videos were made) and it is not acceptable in today’s Navy.