Much ado about nothing The invitation cards were sent out to a number of people. Much of the programme as listed on the reverse of the card was carried out without much delay. The arrival of guests was scheduled for 3.00pm. The Chancellor of the Archdiocese, Fr Justus Pereira said the opening prayer, followed by the reading of the Gospel by Fr Julian Leow of College General, Penang. With that spiritual rite the carollers from the Cathedral of St John’s International Community began to sing a number of carols in their native languages.
There is that realism that the Church in Malaysia is also universal and is not just the Catholic population of Malaysia alone. The carollers were from Nigeria, Myanmar and Vietnam. To say that there wasn’t any singing of carols is to ignore their singing and their presence as well. So to say that the Archbishop complied with the requests of Ms Hardev Kaur from the Prime Minister’s Office is to DENY TRUTH.David Tennant and Catherine Tate were on BBC Breakfast this morning, they talked about there friendship and up coming performance in a Shakespeare play.his summer, Tennant and Tate are to appear together on stage for the first time in a brand new production of William Shakespeare’s.
And sure enough on my way home ESPN 1050’s Michael Kay and WFAN’s Mike Francesa spent their afternoon segment breaking down how detrimental Ryan’s verbal antics are to his team, as they fielded calls from New Yorkers, who, for the most part, were in agreement on the issue. It’s not enough that that very same bravado has single-handedly turned around a culture’s demeanor to their team, it also has to be the reason the team will falter.But that’s who he is, that’s always been: more than what you bargained for. He always gives full disclosure on player injuries and is very upfront from that. What does he have to hide? He has a good football team, and a good life. I can understand why he doesn’t want to shut up. He’s happy about where he is in life.