kerala lottery results Have you ever noticed a Lottery agent walking through the road with lottery tickets in his/her hand? Well we may not notice him/her at first. But think, he too plays his part in re-sourcing money for the development of roads, bridges, hospitals, schools and much more. Channelising ones money for the development of the state is the success behind the Department of Lotteries. More than that, it is the sole income-source for many a downtrodden public in the society.
Today, with more than 35,000 authorised agents and over 100,000 retail sellers; spanning over 14 districts, it is a major benefactor to the development of the state, self-employment for the poor and the common, and poverty eradication.The lottery department gains importance in this context, with much opportunity in front of it to conquer. Its social commitment towards the poor and needy hasn’t brought down the amount of prize money it disburses. The department gives away lakhs of prizes a week, through its six weekly lotteries and through its six bumper lotteries.
Printing and distribution of Kairali, Haritha Periyar and Bhagyathara and weekly draw lottery Sowbhagya are the main functions of Deputy Regional Director. sale of lottery tickets, the Agency registration, renewal, sanction and allocation of disbursement of Rs.1 lakh price are held by the Lottery offices.General Management District, the prize most key agencies and the grant from outside Kerala, the general control, etc., are the main functions of the lottery in Thiruvananthapuram.