Dick clark Walnut cabinets along the outer walls consolidate varying programmatic needs into one continuous design element and delineate individual spaces within the open plan. Reception, retail display, makeup artist, stylist stations, color technicians, dressing rooms and smock closet all integrate into the language of the cabinets as they transform through the space. The shampoo area, implied by a dropped wood ceiling and sheer curtains, provides a serene environment remote from the activity of the stylist area.
Propaganda Hair Group rethinks salon in terms of functionality and aesthetic. To compliment his brand, the client envisioned a loft-like environment with an open plan, minimal furnishings, and wood and concrete textures. The overall design, using the warmth of wood and the industrial feel of concrete, focuses on ways to differentiate program within a single space while still offering an open atmosphere. Careful attention was given to day-to-day operations of the salon so that design details could complement function and eliminate the supplemental furnishings that tend to clutter salons.
The spokesperson continued, When dcp first got involved with the Golden Globes, the program had no television deal whatsoever. Working with the HFPA, dcp nurtured & re-established the brand, & ultimately found a new home on NBC. The Golden Globes now has a strong following & has been successfully re-positioned as one of the leading award shows in the entertainment industry. Now, with that success in hand, the HFPA is trying to unilaterally change the basis on which dcp & the HFPA have done business for almost three decades.