Monday, December 27, 2010


Mta MTA officials said Nassau and must be 26 million by the bus in the operation. Nassau recently voted to provide 9.1 million. I think that Nassau County has an obligation to fund the bus service in Nassau County,” said Walder MTA meeting last week. In a recent communication with the Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano Walder said As you know all counties in the MTA region are responsible for funding local bus peration. Although all other counties in the region meets its obligation, in recent years the MTA has been forced to provide up to 26 million a year to offset the shortage of Nassau County. In essence, it takes money from taxpayers throughout the region to subsidize the MTA bus service in one county. “The MTA is required to notify the Nassau County 60 days prior to any decision to discontinue service on the line, which carries 109,000 daily, including many from Queens.

But talks between the MTA and Nassau County are underway. Mitchell Pally, who represents Suffolk County MTA board, said he was optimistic some sort of agreement between officials of Nassau and the MTA could be reached. In any case, he said, the finances were such that the service could continue until spring. Nassau County has its own problems, with a deficit of 343 million in 2011.The union that represents Sergeants Anddy Moreno and Alvin Taylor refused to offer up two more senior drivers for unemployment, saying the agency should spare all workers,” the Daily News reports. With 270 MTA drivers’ jobs slated for elimination, sparing all workers is probably more of a pipe dream than a realistic wish, but the Transport Workers Union is not giving up easily. For the MTA to offer’ to steal the livelihoods and futures of two other workers and their families to blunt public outrage over their actions makes it even more reprehensible,” Jim Gannon, Transport Workers Union spokesman told the Daily News. We are talking about people about families.

MetroCard will be seven days to 29 $. Knight Bus Rapid and 5.50 Institutions with peak rates of $ 2.75. And most rail fares to Long Island by increasing by 7.6 percent to 9.4 percent depending on the type of ticket and the passenger travels. Will be knocking on the MTA bridges and tunnels to rise to $ 6.50 for most parts to customers in cash and by 23 cents to 4.80 in most of the spare parts required for users of e-ZPass. You can get more detailed information on the Internet in Although the fate of the ATM is not stable