Way2sms login and enter basic information such as name, date of birth, email address, occupation, city and phone number. Once registered, you will receive a password to your mobile phone when you click on "Check & Registration" button. You must enter your mobile number and your password that you receive on your mobile phone number. Enter the site way2sms very easily. Just enter your mobile no and password that you log in way2sms.
Additional Information: Way2SMS offers only 110 characters the user to send personal SMS. Another 10 characters are reserved for displaying the sender's mobile number. Way2SMS.com also services a premium account. You can send 160-character short messages with your name displayed instead of the 10-digit number. You can schedule messages, and create alerts and notifications.
Way2SMS supports all mobile networks in India, GSM and CDMA networks, including Reliance and Tata Indicom.Of 160 characters of a standard SMS, Way2SMS offers only 110 characters the user to send personal SMS. An additional 10 characters are reserved for the display of mobile phone number of the sender. The remaining characters are reserved for mobile advertising. Therefore, you will receive a free SMS to see the ad gives the message that the site sent.